Saturday, May 19, 2012

A week behind...

Again, been very very these pictures are of the vegetable garden about 10-12 days ago.  I will post more recent pictures soon, everything is looking great...

This is a ground level shot...


Broccoli totally bolted, but chard looks ok...


These three beds now have tomatoes, peppers, basil, and parsley in them. 

This bed has cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi in it.  The grass is the abrasive anti-slug grass I've mentioned before.


Lettuce and other greens!

Peas, spinach, onions!

Cukes are planted around this trellis now.

Another pretty shot of the peas...


There are two beds likes this that now have zukes/ crookneck squash in them...

The strawberries are doing well...

And, finally, another pretty shot of the garden with shed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pictures are worth 10,009 words

Alright, did actually get the mulch project done on Sunday, thanks Kassi for helping me weed- it made the difference!

First shot is from across the street:

Thatsa goodlookin'house!

from the front edge of the yard...I said I needed to learn how to trim azaleas, but...

they're still pretty!

Here's more shots of the newly weeded and mulched bed:

and close, front left corner...

In the pot far away is a tall blue flowered thing Kassi bought.  Butterfly weed is in front of that, elephant ear behind.  Blackeyed susans lie in the foreground, with some random violets.
This is the same elephant ear that was frost damanged, it handled it well.

On the road behind the mailbox, more elephant ears, echinicea, gladiolas, something random, irs, yarrow, calla lilies, some dianthus you can't see- actually a lot going on here.

The first echincea...

Ready to play thurgebnia (sp?), or black-eyed susan vine, on the teep trellis, actually have planted as of this writing , looks really good.

Have planted these now, from road are four foxgloves, then a new one to me called Texas something...the local grower's fair was at the farmer's market this past weekend, so I had never seen it before and it was pretty, I bought it.  The two closest pots are bee balms.

The day lilies are looking great, going to to be very shadow is not so pretty.

alright, that's it for now- I've got a bunch more photos to post of veggie garden, will try to post those tommorow.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More words without pictures

Way overdue for a post but really busy and went out of town last weekend for an awesome mountain biking weekend with Kris, Ben, and Matt R.   Great times on buff singletrack, hard gravel, and awesome food.  Mulberry Gap. 

Garden notes:
I need to take some pictures- see busy, above.

Next big action is to weed like hell in the front garden, put in a few more plants to fill holes, and then mulch like hell too.  This is all going down Sunday this weekend (5/6/12). 

Vegetable garden is rocking too.  I am going to diagram the vegetable garden on graph paper and then sticky it onto the sidebar somehow, guessing I can do that.  Each raised bed will be numbered, and then photos will reference number. 

Peas, spinach, lettuce, arugula all producing strong.  Potatoes are 6-10" high.  Cabbage and cauliflower are first-ever crops for me, are getting eaten by something, not sure what.  Kassi bought a random kohlrabi, that should be interesting.  Broccoli bolted, letting flower to attract beneficials.  Swiss chard chugging along. Dug in the fence line bed one last time tonight, I think I am going to plant corn in it.  Strawberries are doing good, but I am deliberately plucking flower heads to promote growth for next year.  On Saturday, 5/12, I will be planting tenders- summer squash, zukes, cukes, tomatoes, more peppers, etc.  Garlic and onions will probably be done about 3 weeks from now, will replace with potatoes and maybe more zukes/cukes try and spread the harvest.   Will be planting some cukes in the next day or so as Kassi bought some random plants the other day. 

That's all for now, I promise pictures soon!