Anyway...Here's the rain barrels. Daisy chain of 1/2 of my carport, into a three way junction that goes into all of vegetable gardens via soaker hoses.
And the compost system...The black plastic commercial composter is where all kitchen waste goes for about one year, added to the spring compost pile in March. The large wooden bin is where garden waste, leaves, and most everything else goes. The wire fence cylinder next to the black plastic composter is where overflow goes- sometimes, I might have something that's compostable but not right for the wooden bin at that time, so it goes in the cylinder. I turn the wooden bin stuff about once a month most of the year, from March-May 1-2x week to ensure it finishes. I'm trying to add a second cycle for the fall, using leaves from last year and cover crops (buckwheat) and early garden waste. We'll see how that works.